blog – artiClES

In this section you will find our articles, case studies, book reviews and toolboxes.

Case Study OKR Introduction

Case Study OKR Introduction

Starting position The client in this case study was a medium-sized company that produces components for the automotive industry. One of the two managing directors learned about OKR during leadership training and was so enthusiastic that he convinced the second...

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"You can only set off the fire (of enthusiasm) in others if you are burning with confidence."  Augustine What motivates our employees and us?Food for thought about motivation When someone asks me for help or advice, I am happy to help. When someone needs...

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Toolbox – Ambidextry

Toolbox – Ambidextry

Take a white sheet of paper and a pen and write a few sentences. If you are right-handed, first write a few sentences with your right hand, then the same sentences with your left - or vice versa. Try it for a few minutes.Reflect briefly:How did you feel about this...

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Change Management

Change Management

In the first article of the series around the topic of change, we looked at "Continuous Change Processes". In this article, we will focus on the topic of "classic Change Management".  Definition of...

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