How do you conduct conflict resolution talks?
This checklist helps you prepare for conflict resolution meetings to cover all aspects of the conflict.
Matter in dispute
- To what extent do the parties know the issues of the other side?
- How are they, in the experience of the parties, interconnected?
- How strongly are the parties focused on the topics?
- Do the matters in dispute relate more to the matter at hand or to the personal level?
Conflict progress
- How did the conflict arise?
- How did the conflict develop?
- How is the conflict maintained?
- What do the conflict parties experience as critical moments in the course of the conflict?
Conflict parties
- Who is involved in the conflict? (individuals, groups)
- Who are the key figures of the conflict parties?
- What is the relationship between the representatives and their own backgrounds?
- Are the parties clearly delineated from each other?
- What roles are there within the conflict parties?
Positions and relationships
- What formal and informal positions do the individual parties take?
- What sanctions do the parties use to achieve the behaviour that meets their expectations?
- What has each party done to break out of this pressure of expectation?
- Can behaviour patterns be observed at meetings between the parties which do not occur when dealing with other persons or groups?
The parties’ attitude to the conflict
- How do the parties perceive their overall situation?
- Do the parties generally regard conflicts as undesirable and harmful or as positive, as an impulse for social change?
- How do the parties to the conflict assess the hoped-for results and the commitment required to achieve them?
- What attitudes do the parties have to the previous attempts at conflict resolution or to the existing conflict regulators?
The organization as conflict potential
- Is the core task of the organisation clear?
- Are there guiding principles, strategies and programmes with which the general goals and values can be concretised?
- To what extent are corporate policy and strategy accepted?
- Are the different organizational units clear for the employees?
- What is the meaning of power, status, prestige, career?
- What is characteristic of the working atmosphere?
- How does the organization take into account the development interests of its employees?
- Which mutual or one-sided dependencies result from the tasks and distribution of competences?
- How do people accept that?
- How are the processes planned and controlled?
- What dependencies result from this?
- How do people feel about it?
- Where do the physical means require a separation, where it should not be for operational reasons?
Attempts at conflict regulation that have already been undertaken
- Why are/have the existing conflict regulators not been used?
- What are the benefits of the conflict for the parties?
- What do they expect from a continuation of the confrontation?
- What do they think they’ll lose if they communicate with the enemy?
- What kind of mission are you ready for?
- Are they determined to accept psychological tensions in order to arrive at a fundamental clarification of the situation?
- What attitudes do the parties have to the previous attempts at conflict resolution or to the existing conflict regulators?
- What have the parties themselves already done to work constructively on the conflict?
- How have these efforts at conflict resolution affected the further course of the conflict?
- Do the parties to the conflict regard the conflict as solvable, or have they lost all hope?
- Do they actively or passively stand by their conflict?
Source: Glasl, Konfliktmanagement, Verlag Freies Geistesleben, 9. AL. 2009, further developed by Coverdale Austria
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